
Posts Tagged ‘goal’


In Thoughts on May 6, 2014 at 12:40 pm

Life’s purpose is different for each of us. It also evolves with each of us over time, as situations change, as opportunities arise, as our eyes are opened wider. When someone asks you the sole question “What major goal gives your life meaning right now?” What do you say? We each have different goals for our lives, some more pressing than others with time limits that may be self-imposed. I know I do. I believe our best creativity comes from our early twenties, while our minds are still changing, and our brains are having their final growth spurt. This belief is driving me to work on my first life goal, something I want to contribute to the world to give my life some meaning, to justify why I’m here. I want my writing to touch people the way great authors have touched me. It isn’t just some frivolous art but rather life or death. Had I not read some of the poems I did in the year after my father’s passing, I’m not sure if I’d still be here right now. That sounds so harsh, I know, but those connections are what made me feel alive when nothing in the outside world could. It sure makes you feel much less lonely when you can connect with a poet from the eighteenth century, knowing there was someone out there that felt exactly what you feel at one time. The authors conveyed these messages to me that helped me with what I was going through more than a therapist ever could. The poems said exactly what I wanted to say when I couldn’t form the words myself. They helped me grieve. They taught me that it is okay to live, and to live with such purpose that others will benefit from your life too.

This is why I want to write. I want to produce something that will connect with the lonely ones, the ones going through such rough times that a book is all they could count on. So, writing may seem like a meaningless career to some, but to me it is therapy. It is helping others through depression and issues that are so deep no human could ever help- only words. Words and their meanings, their mysteries, their truths- that is what will help others. I hope that my writing could stop others from harmful actions. I hope that my writing can help others make peace in their lives. I hope that my writing can make such a difference that people can say that their lives were saved by my words.

That is my goal and that’s all the purpose I need in life.


